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Entreprise Enfant Soleil

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Drawing on 35 years of experience in the field of philanthropy, Opération Enfant Soleil is innovating by establishing the first philanthropic certification destined for businesses in Quebec: ENTREPRISE ENFANT SOLEIL.

This annual philanthropic certification is for entrepreneurs who are committed and willing to invest themselves to contribute to the achievement of many projects in support of the health of children in Quebec. It’s a remarkable way to:

Experience Entreprise Enfant Soleil Certification in Your Company


You will have access to the following:

  • A complete turnkey marketing kit tailored to your business model
  • Tools that are easy to incorporate both on the internet (personalized email signature, web banners) and in the company (freestanding banner, framed certificate, trophy, door stickers)
  • An Entreprise Enfant Soleil philanthropic seal that you can put on your products, communications tools, sign, vehicle fleet, etc.
  • Benefit from the strength of our thirty-five years of experience and sustained, personalized support to maximize our brands’ integration
  • The Entreprise Enfant Soleil business community

The Benefits of Certification: What Do Our Companies Think


Entreprise Enfant Soleil certification is a marketing solution for companies that want to associate themselves with a popular brand that has a positive impact and that want to motivate their work team

Find out about the advantages! (french only)


«Entreprise Enfant Soleil, is more than a concept, it’s a business philosophy that makes a real difference. Subscribe to the certification and you too can become a change maker in Quebec.»


Dany Bonneville

2017–2018 Philanthropist of distinction

Enfant Soleil Companies - Diamond

Enfant Soleil Companies - Platinum

Enfant Soleil Companies

Our «Brand image evolution» partner

For More Information 

Véronique Gagnon-Perreault, Sophie Birri and Rosalie Martel  proudly head Entreprise Enfant Soleil and will gladly advise you on the best tools to integrate the certification to your company’s brand. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you have any questions! 

On parle de nous dans les médias

Sophie Birri
Conseillère, développement et projets
1-877-683-2325, poste 2011

Rosalie Martel

Senior Director, Development and Projects

1-877-683-2325, poste 2005

Véronique Gagnon-Perreault, Chargée de projet, développement philanthropique et partenariat

T. 1-877-683-2325 poste 2010

Our latest publications: 

(french only)

Capsule vidéo Salut Bonjour, C’est bon à savoir
Journal de Montréal
Les Affaires
Invitation de Dany Bonneville, philanthrope d’honneur Certification Enfant Soleil
Publireportage – Journal de Montréal